Thursday, August 25, 2011

Overflowing with sweetness....

In my last post I stated that I felt guilty about neglecting the blog and had made the goal that I would blog atleast once a week. That was one month and one week ago....not too shabby for me.

So, what have we been up to? Same ole same ole. I don't know why the last month has been so crazy, but we have been going non-stop. I must say that I am totally pumped about this weekend, because we don't have a lot going on. One birthday party and one baby shower....that is a relaxing weekend for us. By the way, you know you are old when an exciting weekend is one in which you have no plans. One boring weekend, straight-up please!!

I am just worn smack dab out. Having two kids is no joke, I tell ya. Maybe it doesn't help that I added going into work full-time (for the first time in 2 years) to the mix as soon as Ella Bailey was born, but it is exhausting. Sweet Ella Bailey is the least needy baby in the world and has been sleeping like a champ all night since 5 weeks, but I still feel like my crazy-busy self could give the Energizer bunny a run for his money half the time.

Now, I know that I have the eyes rolling of all the mommies of three or more, or (I shudder at the thought of) multiples. While I was doing some work in my office this morning, I looked in the mirror and literally did a double take. I seriously looked like I had been rode hard and hung up wet. The bad part is that I thought I was doing pretty good when I walked out of the door this morning. Maybe it is the fluoresent lights in my office...surely.

Anyway, enough about me. The title of this post is "Overflowing with sweetness", not "Overflowing with bitterness because I turned 30 this year and would take a glass of wine and a recliner over a keg stand and a frat party any 'ole day." So, "overflowing with sweetness"...that is what the babies have been up to these days.

I seriously cannot believe that Baby Hayes will be three in a little over three weeks. Unbelievable. I didn't plan very well for me to have to grieve the 30th birthday and my baby turning three in the same year. Three just seems like the age to me when they are not really babies anymore. Ok, change of eyes are puffy enough as it is.

Ella Bailey, oh sweet Ella Bailey. I know that I am a tad bit partial, but she is just the most precious thing and absolutely the happiest little baby. She thinks everything is hilarious and boy can she cackle!! Her laugh is so contagious and there is no way to avoid smiling when you hear it. Besides all the sweetness, she is also overflowing with quite a bit of chunkiness. Case in point...the pic below of her hanging out with her cousin, JB, before her bath (and this was several weeks ago).

Oh, look at those rolls!! I am so not used to that, because Hayes has been so lean since birth and has never had a roll on him. I get so tickled every time I change her diaper. The girl loves to eat and I mean LOVES to eat! She would make herself absolutely sick on formula if you would let her and her favorite food is oatmeal.

Little Miss Priss also refuses to lay still and let you change her diaper, put lotion on her, etc. I had forgotten all about those days! She is definately rocking and rolling. She rolls, then tries so hard to army crawl, and I swear it won't be long before she is on the move. Oh, the babyproofing days!

Ella Bailey also loves her toys! You give her a toy and she is good to go. Put her in the jumperoo and she is in pure Heaven. Hayes has always been opposite. He would never just sit by himself and play, and he still could really care less about a toy. It still amazes me how the two of them look identical, but are opposite in every other way.

Speaking of the little man, Hayes is on a HUGE "mommy" kick right now, and I am milking it for all it is worth. He has always been sweet to me, but lately he is just crazy sweet! He is stuck to me like glue and I can't count on all my fingers and toes how many times a day he says, "Mommy, I love you SO much." The other day I was walking by the door of the room where he was playing, and I heard him singing. I stopped to listen, because I have never heard him sing when he knew nobody was listening. The song went like this..."I love Mommy so much, I love Mommy so much, I love Mommy so much." It was the most beautiful thing I have ever heard, and it literally took my breath away. It never fails that in my most weary, tired and stressed state and when I feel like throwing my hands in the air, God gives me moments like these and reminds me that I have the world at my fingertips.

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