Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The big screen

On Sunday, Hayes went to see his first movie on the "big screen." My friend Shawna, her son (and Hayes' buddy) Reece, Hayes and I all went to see Winnie the Pooh. We had a blast! I will never forget Hayes' face when he saw that big 'ole screen for the first time. His eyes were as big as saucers!

Now, I must admit that I had doubts that we would even make it through half the movie because Hayes' attention span is pretty much non-existant.  He usually doesn't even pay attention to movies at home for more than 5 minutes, but we had to try it out sometime, and Winnie the Pooh was actually the perfect movie for the virgin movie-goer. It had a lot of singing and dancing, and it was also a very short film. Of course, Hayes got up and down many times, did lots of out loud (very loud) commentating, but we made it through the entire movie with only one potty break and two episodes of me threatening his life if he didn't stop banging the armrest up and down. Success!!

He liked the movie, but the highlights of the trip for him were the snacks, the huge screen, his buddy Reece being there, the fact that I let him carry in a stuffed animal that had a leading role in the movie (Tigger), and last but certainly not least.....the seats that scrunched his body up so his feet could touch his forehead if he leaned back far enough. Now, that was cool.

When the credits rolled, Hayes said "I wanna watch more movie" and he has been begging to go back ever since. I must say that I was very proud of the little booger!

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