Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Missed me?

I feel like, first of all, I should re-introduce myself. Anybody check out the date of my last blog post? Yep, the first week of May. I know, I know. Let me say that having two kids is no joke. Add those two nuggets to my new full-time (very full) time job and I barely have time to breathe, much less blog. For those of you that do all of this with more than two kids, well....I am praying for you.

A lot of people have let me know that they are feeling sorry for the poor pitiful blog (and are also wondering if we are still alive), and I have been feeling pretty guilty considering I had decided this was going to be my "scrapbook" for the kids. So, I have set a goal that I will blog about our life atleast once a week (hopefully).
Anyway, I am finished making excuses for my laziness and procrastination, so I will give an update on my two little sweeties. First, Miss Ella Bailey......

is four months and I simply cannot believe it. Where does the time go? She had her 4-month check up yesterday and weighed almost 15lbs and was 24 1/2 inches long. Not too shabby considering she was a month early, weighing in at 6lbs and only 18 inches long!! I get tickled every time I change her diaper, because she is a roly poly! Hayes was so lean and never had any rolls, so it cracks me up to look at her triple chin and the massive amount of rolls she has. Also, her hair is finally coming in and it guessed! I guess there is no escaping those genes. She still looks JUST like her big brother though and I mean exactly.

David took her for her check up yesterday and when the doctor came in she said, "This baby looks just like her mama!" (I had to throw that part in). She also said that she is definately going to have brown eyes, which I can't believe. I figured that she would have blue eyes like her dad and brother, but they have started getting really dark and Dr. Wood confirmed that she is definately going to have her mama's eyes :)

As for personality, she is seriously the best baby. She started sleeping through the night at 5 weeks (this mama's dream) and usually goes to bed around 8 p.m. and doesn't move until around 7 a.m. I love it, but it also makes me nervous because I always have to check to make sure she is breathing! She is also such a happy baby. You look at her and she just cracks up. Her favorite song is "Shake, shake, shake, shake your booty" and everytime I sing it she starts cackling out loud and loses her breath laughing. I don't know why she thinks that song is so funny (don't know why I got the idea to sing it to her either), but she loves it! She also thinks her big brother is a hoot and she can't take her eyes off of him. She thinks he is the funniest thing ever (so do I)!

Last night, Ella Bailey had her first bite of baby food. Now Miss Priss is a BIG eater and takes her time with the bottle very seriously, but I thought that it would take her a few feedings to adjust to the baby food. So, we got her all prepped and ready...
And the party began! She was a bit skeptical at first...

But after a few bites Miss Piggy was hooked and she started pulling my hand with the spoon to her mouth, trying to speed up the process. When I would take the spoon away she would start trying to eat her bib!

I forgot how much I had missed those "first moments"! Anyway, on another note and back to talking about Ella Bailey and her big bro...Although they look exactly alike, their personalities could not be any more different. She is calm and laid back, he is VERY high strung, she slept through the night at 5 weeks, he had colic (enough said), she loves to eat, he could have cared less about food, she loves to just sit and play with her toys, if he is playing he demands that you are watching and giving him a"that's great, Hayes, good job" the entire time, etc. Now I am not going to lie...although I love Hayes' firecracker personality and nobody can make me laugh like he does, the thought of two kids two years apart in age that are both as wild as he is scares the hell out of me. But, we have been quite sure that Ella Bailey is going to be the little "sweet and innocent" one. However, something that happened yesterday made me wonder.

She had to get her shots yesterday at her check-up and I am so glad that David was the one that took her, because I just cannot handle the look of terror in their little eyes when the nurse sticks the needle in and she was SO pitiful last time. Well, David gave me a call after the appointment and told me that I was not going to believe what he was about to tell me. He said that he held Ella Bailey down and the nurse stuck the shot in her leg and guess what Ella Bailey did....she gritted her teeth (ok, her gums) and just looked straight into the nurse's eyes. She did not shed a tear!! How does my little girly, sweet, sensitive doll baby not even flinch when she gets a shot?! When he told me my first thought was "Oh dear God, she is going to be just like Hayes" and I pictured all the times that Hayes merely looked at us and cracked a grin after being spanked. Then my second thought from my paranoid mommy side, of course, was that I needed to research the disease that causes you not to feel pain. Well, I know that she can feel pain, so what if it is just straight-up meaness?? Oh goodness gracious!

With all of that said, Ella Bailey has truly blessed our lives in unimaginable ways. It still amazes me how much my heart has grown, because I could not envision loving another being like I loved Hayes. I have such a feeling of completeness in my life now and I absolutely love it! Speaking of my little love bug, Hayes, I will give an update on him in my next post. But, for now, I will leave you with a picture of Ella Bailey hanging out in one of her favorite places....

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