Wednesday, February 22, 2012

My Poor Baby!

We found out yesterday that sweet Ella Bailey is going to have to get tubes in her ears next Friday. Since she was a few months old she has finished antibiotics for an ear infection and two or three days later been right back at the pediatrician. It is an awful cycle!

She finished another 10-day round of antibiotics Sunday and in Dr. Knox (her ENT)'s words yesterday, her ears are "rotten." He didn't even want to put her on another round, because he said it was completely pointless. So, looks like she will be getting tubes five days before her 1st birthday. Although, I am so ready for her to have relief from these nasty ear infections, I am also scared to death. You would think that since Hayes also had tubes, I would know the ropes now and wouldn't be as such luck! Although I know they don't put them completely "under" for the procedure, anything that involves my babies and the word "anesthesia" still makes me nervous.

The worst part, though, is actually handing them over to the nurses when it is time for them to go back. Hayes rode back in a wagon and thought it was great fun, but I have a feeling that Ella Bailey won't be quiet so delighted. She is NOT a fan of strangers and is VERY clingy to me...about 100x more so than Hayes was. She also screams at the top of her lungs when she sees anyone that halfway resembles a medical professional.

Yesterday, at our appointment with the ENT (which she had never been to) the second she caught a glance at the nurse, she started screaming, and let me tell you that this girl has some lungs on her!! The nurse didn't even come close to touching her, but Ella Bailey was not happy. The funny (not for Ella Bailey) thing is that her pediatrician's office consists entirely of female doctors and nurses and I don't know if this is related, but Ella Bailey is just not a fan of females, in general. Hayes is opposite....he does not like men!! I mean even in Wal-mart, Ella Bailey will bat her eyelashes at every male that passes by, but if a woman so much as looks at her, she snarls up her nose. Yesterday was her first time seeing a male doctor, so I was curious to see how she reacted.

Dr. Knox is a little man with grey hair and he walked in (very loudly) with some type of large medical instrument attached to his head and Ella Bailey looked up and just died laughing. I have to admit, he did look pretty funny. But he was loud, bouncy and let her play with his tape recorder, so he won her heart instantly. I loved him too, which made me feel much better about her procedure, of course. I wasn't crazy about the doc's "bedside manner" that did Hayes' tubes and THAT makes a huge difference when they are taking your baby into an OR. I am SO glad that a sweet friend recommended Dr. Knox, though! Thanks Jennifer!

Anyway, next Friday is down on the books and hopefully my love bug will feel much better afterwards. Prayers in advance are very much appreciated!! :)

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