Thursday, February 16, 2012

Renovation Complete!!

Yayyayyay!! The blog renovation is finally complete! A name and design change may not seem like such a huge deal to most, but this "new" blog is a breath of fresh air to me. It is the perfect outlet for me to express my feelings, frustrations, joys, etc. of my life as a Mommy in hopes that I will always remember the sweet (and not so sweet) little details. As I described in my January 14th post, I feel that the original purpose of this blog has changed, and with this "re-vamped" blog I now feel a sense of completeness and a new freedom in my writing.

Of course, as determined as I am to keep this blog updated, my main challenge is finding the time to write. I am still searching for the Holy Grail of Coordinated Nap Times and rarely get so lucky as to have both kids snoozing at the same time for more than 20 minutes. As for doing any "pleasure" writing at night after both babies are asleep....I love to write, but let's be honest....on the rare occasion that I am not passed out at 10 p.m., I am more in the mood to mindlessly stare at some pitiful reality show while stuffing Doritos in my mouth. However, due to the fact that writing is the best therapy for me (and Lord knows I need therapy) and that I am documenting my awesome life as a Mommy, I am determined to do whatever it takes to make time for constant updates.

So, the only problem now is that there is so much to catch up on! Ella Bailey will be ONE in less than three weeks (tear!!) I seriously cannot believe it. I mean, where in the world has the time with my itsy-bitsy baby girl gone?! Heck, where have the 3 years with my t-tiny baby boy gone?! Ok, after I get over being depressed, I need to make a collage of month-by-month pics to post of Ella Bailey. I also must devote at least one entire blog post a week to "Hayes-isms"....the kid cracks me up!!! Oh, before I forget.....we were riding in the car the other day and Hayes is going on and on (and on and on and on) about some story involving a dog, so I finally said, "Hayes, what are you talking about?" and he replies, "Oh, it was just something I saw on Facebook." Seriously?!? LOVE him.

Anyway, my point is that I have LOTS of updates, but for now I am close to the passing out point that I mentioned earlier. Actually it is 1 a.m., which means I should probably have a cup of coffee and call it a morning!! However, before I do (pass out), I want to explain the new blog title. The purpose of my blog is to document my everyday life as a Mommy of two, so I began thinking about what things were consistent in my daily life and, of the many, I chose....cuddles, chaos and caffeine. Yet, instead of being merely staples of my routine, all three of these are things that I am highly addicted to. The caffeine helps me survive the chaos, and the cuddles help to remind me that every single second of the chaos is ENTIRELY worth it.

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