Saturday, March 3, 2012


One of the many reasons that I started a blog is so that I will always have it to remember the details of my daily life with the kids, and the main thing that I never want to forget is all of the funny, sweet and crazy things they say. I find myself constantly making mental notes of things that Hayes says that I want to remember, then forgetting to write them down and not being able to remember them a week later. So, I am going to try to write a "Hayesisms" post at least once a week and before too long (tear) I will be writing a "Ella Baileyism" post, too!

I know that we all think our kids are hilarious, but I swear that I never stop laughing when I am around Hayes. His favorite thing to do is to crack us up and I have no idea how he thinks of half the things he does. He is a hoot! However, as much as I want to remember all of his funny comments, I will absolutely die if I forget all of the precious things he says to me. For some reason, in the last six months he has been complimenting me constantly and throwing out random "I love you"s to me like they are going out of style. He has always been a Momma's boy, but he has put it in overdrive recently and I am eating it up! Not to mention, he talks to Ella Bailey like she is a little princess and the love he verbally shows her absolutely positively melts my heart.

Anyway, here are some of the most recent Hayesisms that I don't want to forget.....

  • We are driving in the car and Hayes is telling me some story about a man getting bit by a dog and he is going on and on and on. It was raining, we were in traffic and I was trying to pay attention to the road, so I was only halfway listening to the story. Eventually, I said, "Hayes, what are you talking about?" He said, "Oh nothing, it was just something I saw on Facebook."
  • This morning, Hayes walked into the living room holding my bra in his hand. He said, "Hey Momma, how do you put this boobie holder thang on??"
  • The last part of Ella Bailey's bedtime routine is that Hayes kisses her goodnight. Tonight after he kissed her, he grabbed her hand and said, "Now you just wake me up if you need anything at all tonight, pretty girl."
  • "Momma, a lot of times today I stopped playing and just prayed for you. I just thanked Jesus for you, Momma."
  • Last night, Hayes was talking to David and said, "You know Momma's Paw Paw lives in Heaven with Jesus. One day I will get to live in Heaven with Jesus too, but until then I am just going to keep Jesus close to me in my heart."
  •  When Hayes gets in bed every night he and I have "cuddle time." A couple of nights ago, he was about to get into the bed and said, "Momma, I can't wait to cuddle with you. I've been thinking about it all day."
LOVE that sweet boy!!

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