Tuesday, October 5, 2010


As most of you already know, WE ARE HAVING A GIRL!! There are simply no words to describe the excitement I am feeling right now and David is simply beside himself. I have made no secret of the fact that I oh so desperately wanted a girl and I truly feel like our family is complete now. Smocked dresses and pink bows and ruffles...oh my!!

Oh what a day this has been! I really feel like I am still in shock. I just can't believe it and I feel so incredibly blessed. David's family is all boys and my gut instinct had told me that this would definately be another boy. The only thing that was causing me to hold out a little hope was the fact that this pregnancy is completely different than my pregnancy with Hayes. I mean these two pregnancies have been like night and day in every way, so I was thinking maybe, just maybe...

And YES!! Woohoo! Ok, I will stop rambling about the unexplainable joy I am feeling and tell the story of how we found out.....

So, being the impatient person that I am, I have been simply dying to know the sex of this baby! I found out that Hayes was a boy at 13 weeks because I had a nuchal scan done, so I was expecting to find out that early with this baby. Needless to say, I was livid when I found out the only place in Alabama that does the nuchal scan does not accept our new insurance and I made it my mission in life to find out the sex of this baby before 20 weeks! After making an appointment with Images of Life in Montgomery and them going out of business two days after I made the appointment (ggrrrr!), I finally heard about Baby Waves in Columbus, Georgia. So, David and I made the two-hour drive this morning and it was the best experience ever!!

This place is so amazing! I thought they would do an ultrasound and say "it's a boy" or "it's a girl", but it was way more special than that! First of all, you watch the ultrasound on a big-screen t.v. in front of you, which is way cool! The lady who owns the place and does the ultrasounds has had 25 years experience and is seriously the sweetest thing in the whole world. Such a wonderful place!

Anyway, for some reason I was so nervous about the ultrasound and have no idea why. I guess it was just excitement, but I was seriously shaking. As soon as she started the scan I saw this little "thing" (which turned out later to be part of the umbilical cord) and I said "Oh I just saw that, it's a boy!" She just laughed and said that she wouldn't confirm anything until the end, but she kept making me think it was indeed a boy. So, she measured everything and literally showed me every little body part and counted every tiny finger and toe, which I loved! The entire scan took almost an hour and it was so fabulous to just lay there, not be rushed and get to enjoy every little detail of the scan. Well, after all that, she asked if we wanted to know the sex and this sweet little girl went spread eagle on cue (thank goodness!), but she didn't let us see anything at that point. Then, "Butterfly Kisses" started playing in the room, which David and I didn't even realize until she told us later that she played this song because we were having a girl. Awesome! Then, sweet Miriam reached in the drawer and pulled out a Mounds and an Almond Joy candy bar and said "Sometimes you feel like a nut and sometimes you don't" :) Then, the sweetest little piece of candy dropped in David's hand.....
Yaaayyy!! We were absolutely going crazy, I was balling my eyes out and right on cue Miriam handed me a little pink tissue...total pefection. What an awesome moment! So, then she showed us the baby's "tu tu" as Miriam called it and she is definately a girl!! I will post the ultrasound pics tomorrow, because I have to scan them. Anyway, life is oh so good and now I am just waiting on Hayes to get home from his grandmother's so I can tell him the big news. He is going to have a little sister....music to my ears!! :)


  1. I am SO happy for y'all and can't wait to meet that beautiful baby girl!

  2. So excited for ya'll!!! You will go crazy with a girl but that's ok. She'll be beautiful just like her momma!! :)
