Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Vegas and Botox

So, here I am sitting here feeling sorry for myself (although for an entirely different reason than usual) and thought I would blog so others could feel sorry for me, too. :) Well, the day is finally here and in approximately 3 hours I will be the big 3-0. Seriously?

I know, I know...atleast I am alive and 30 is really not that old, blah, blah, freakin' blah. It sucks. Period. I have never had a problem with any other birthdays, but in all honesty the thought of turning 30 has truly bothered me for a while.

I will admit that I have always been a bit of a fanatic about skincare and trying all the latest creams and such to reverse the aging process, but I got it honestly. The woman who gave birth to me will not even go through the McDonalds drive-thru without make-up on. The other day I realized I was surely turning into my mother when I caught myself looking into the mirror, pulling all the skin back on my face to create a wrinkle-free (yet oriental) appearance. By the way, if you know my mother please do not tell her about this post because even though I am not happy about this birthday, I would still enjoy a present from her. Also, let me conclude this paragraph by saying that all the effort Mom has put into dodging the aging process has worked, because she is smokin' hot and I hope I am lucky enough to age as beautifully as she has!

So, I am about to say it and judge me all you want....all I wanted for my 30th birthday was one teensy-weensy shot of botox in the forehead. Yep, I said it. I have known for several years that the 30th birthday would depress me, so for years I have planned on two things for my 30th birthday...botox and going to Vegas. I have never been to Vegas, but I am quite certain that every ounce of sadness about turning 30 would be atleast temporarily erased by celebrating Vegas-style. So that was the plan!

Well, guess what WAS NOT in the plans....being 8 months pregnant on my 30th birthday. So, I will be celebrating my 30th birthday old and sober. Instead of living it up in Vegas adorned in a pink feather boa and a freshly-botoxed face, I will be waddling around like a drunken penguin staring at my feet that look shockingly similiar to two big baked potatoes right now. Feeling sorry for me yet?

I guess every cloud has a silver lining, and I did have a rockin' birthday eve party tonight complete with cupcakes, a Kindle and some way cool Spongebob decorations courtesy of this guy....
Besides, I guess those laugh lines and crow's feet can't be that bad if they are the product of days spent laughing until my belly hurts at that sweet face!!

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