Sunday, December 26, 2010

27 weeks!

I am sitting here today wondering where the time has gone. It is the day after Christmas and I can't help but think that means that 2011 is almost here, which means that Baby Ella Bailey is almost here. Ahhhh!!! Next week I will be able to count on two hands the remaining weeks until my scheduled c-section. Nine (really ten) months seems like an eternity, but it truly flies by!!

I know that my blog has been neglected lately, and there are several Christmas posts to come in the next few days, but I wanted to post some pics of my 27-week-belly. Please say a prayer for me this week, because I have my gestational diabetes 3-hour-test on Thursday. I know a diagnosis of GD is not the worst thing that can happen in a pregnancy, but I truly feel like I am at the end of my rope right now. My kidney stones situtation is getting very bad and we are all worried about the next couple of months. The pain is incredibly worse the larger I get and to make matters worse, Ella Bailey stays on the side where the stone is stuck and kicks it constantly. Excruciating pain!! There has been a lot of discussion about doing surgery to put in a stent, but I just don't want to take any chances with surgery for Ella Bailey, especially since there is only a small chance it will even help. I just feel (and hope and pray) that I made it through the pain. I did it with Hayes and pray I can do it this time, as well. I just REALLY don't want to have to deal with GD on top of all this, so we are praying for good results on Thursday.

On a much happier note, we will be having our 4D ultrasound on January 4! Hayes looked JUST like his 4D pics when he was born and we simply cannot wait to see Miss Priss!! Here are some pics of my big'ole belly this week.