Monday, September 13, 2010

Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!!

Oh my goodness, I am absolutely pumped up about this blog! I have so many things to share and don't even know where to start. Guess I will start with our fun trip to the zoo after church today. We are big fans of the Montgomery Zoo. Huge.
Of course, we had to make a little detour to play on the playground.

Then, we made our way to the giraffes, which are Hayes' favorite. They recently built a feeding station on a pavillion where you can pay $1 (per person) for a couple leaves on a wimpy little stick and feed the giraffes. Ok, this was un-freaking-believable! Hayes LOVED it until Melissa the mama giraffe stuck her long, slimy tongue through the fence. Hayes decided he would leave the animal feedings to us from then on out.

Then, on to the lions. For some reason, Hayes decided it would be fun to start a game of peek-a-boo with the two lions. He would hide, then jump up and roar at them. This went on for a good twenty minutes. The lions were not amused, but Hayes got a big kick out of it!

Finally, on to the train. Hayes is obsessed with trains so we always make the train ride the grand finale. Ok, actually we make the train ride the grand finale, because I have to bribe him to behave. "If we are good and mind Mommy and Daddy while we are at the zoo, we get to ride the choo-choo before we go home." Works like a charm.

We were finally on the way out and did I mention that it was scorching outside and my pregnant, nauseated self doesn't do heat right now? So, I got myself a Powerade and somehow ended up only getting to drink about four good sips.
What a fun day, but we are EXHAUSTED!
Ok, I have to share one more picture that really cracks me up. I admit that this pregnancy has made my hormones go a little haywire (just a little.) The last few weeks David has been telling me that I have been somewhat bossy. Well, my husband, God love him, is basically camera illerate and this frustrates me, because I never get good pics of Hayes and I. Today was no different and I had to give him a little training session on the fact that if you are taking a full body shot you must hold the camera vertically, not horizonally. Apparently, he snapped the picture before I finished explaining.
Ha! Also, please note the massive belly for only 11 weeks pregnant and, yes old lady in the line at Wal-mart, we are SURE that it's not twins.

Now off to bed to get some rest before an exciting 2nd birthday week full of festivities!! Can't wait until tomorrow to play with our sweet friends, Lindsey and Pollard Henig!

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