Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My little baby is growing up

I seriously cannot believe that my baby will be two day after tomorrow (tear, tear.) It doesn't help that I am an emotional wreck and on a hormonal roller coaster from Hell anyway, but my baby is turning TWO! For the last couple of weeks, the little guy has been running around the house saying "Momma, I two" about 347 times a day and I swear I lose it every single time. Of course, I make him think that we are soooo happy about it, but it is just killing me. Does it ever get easier? It really does seem like yesterday that he was born. On that note, I have been thinking a lot about his birth and realized that I have never written his birth story down. At the rate I am losing my mind, by the time he starts junior high, I won't remember a thing about that beautiful September day, so I decided to write it down here. So with tear-soaked computer keys, here goes...

My pregnancy with Hayes was definately not planned (which is becoming a trend with us apparently.) On February 5, 2008, David was in Washington D.C. on a business trip and when he called I told him that I was so tired I felt like I had been drugged and thought I might be pregnant. He told me that I was crazy. Nine pregnancy tests later (yes you read that correctly), I finally realized that I wasn't crazy. Keep in mind, that this was a total shock and I was pretty hysterical at this point, but I knew I had to wait until David got home to tell him. Thankfully, he was flying in that night. So, I went and bought some baby booties and wrapped them to give to him when he walked in the door. Then, he called from the airport and instead of "hello honey" I said "Oh my God, I am pregnant!!!!" So much for those dang booties.

Anyway, I will just be honest. I am not one of those happy pregnant people who just love being pregnant. I lost 15 lbs my first trimester, because I could not keep anything at all down. Then, came the dreaded kidney stones that lasted my entire pregnancy (and have already showed their ugly face during this pregnancy). I eventually had issues with my blood pressure, because of the constant pain from the stones and had to be induced at 37 weeks. Let me take this opportunity to give a shout out to Dr. Garrard, who is hands-down, without any shadow of a doubt, the best OB-GYN ever. period. In case you can't tell, I love this man!!! So, here are some pics of Big Momma before the fun began.

Yes, I am applying make-up to birth a child.
 Dr. Garrard came in about 5:00 a.m. and broke my water and that precious man walked out of the room and ordered an epidural to be delivered pronto. Have I mentioned that I love Dr. Garrard? So, then the fun began. The craziest thing about it all to me was that I got into this zone for the next 12 hours, where I blocked everyone out. My room was filled with family, yet I was in "the zone" and did not talk at all. Very strange. Anyway, 12 hours later it was time to push and this was, by far, the worst part of it all for me. I pushed for 2  1/2 hours straight, non-stop. Pure misery and fatigue like I could never imagine in my wildest dreams. Finally, they began to realize that it just wasn't working for Hayes and that was when his heart rate dropped drastically. I was still in the "zone", but just remember Dr. Garrard telling the nurse to get a room prepped for a c-section and she said, "They are all full this second and one woman is in OR 4 delivering twins." Dr. Garrard looked at the nurse and said, "Well get her out." Love him again. Of course, panic set in at that point. However, moments later all that pain during pregnancy and labor suddenly became totally worth it. Hayes Elliott Gardner was born, weighing 5lbs 9 ounces and healthy as could be! Pure unexplainable joy.

I am still lying on the operating table and out goes baby, with Daddy chasing behind. I thought the hard part was over, but boy was I wrong. At this point, they are sewing me up and my epidural completely wore off. I am sure you are all thinking at this moment about what great luck I have. Apparently, when this happens, the anesthesiologist completely puts you under, because next thing I remembered I was waking up in the recovery room. Finally after all this work, I was rewarded with the best gift I could ever imagine...sweet baby Hayes in my arms.

At this point, the story must end because I am having problems seeing the computer screen through these swollen eyes. Although it breaks my heart to think about how fast time is moving, I have had a lifetime full of joy, love, laughter and sweet kisses in a mere two years. If these past two years can bring me so much more happiness than I ever thought possible in a entire lifetime, then I sure do have a lot to look forward to in the years ahead!! 


  1. Out comes a baby and still gorgeous! You are my idol! XOXO

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Oh, Erin, you crazy girl! You crack me up! Your eyes must have been swollen too when you read this, because I look like I had been hit by a train! Love ya sweet girl! :)
