Monday, September 13, 2010

We are pooped! (quite literally)

It seems like our lives have been consumed with pee and poop the last few weeks! I am a firm believer that children will cross milestones (like potty training) when they are darn good and ready. However, David and I decided that it would be a good idea to potty train Hayes before March when the baby arrives, but me in all my selfishness, wanted to wait until my first trimester was over before we began any new adventures, hoping that I would feel better and not be so tired ALL the time. Well, Hayes had other plans and became OBSESSED with the potty. We don't really know where it came from, but he absolutely refuses to wear a diaper (a constant source of my frustration) and wants to sit on the potty all day long. When we take him off the potty he screams bloody murder and I sometimes worry that Hayes is wasting his life away on the potty :) Ok, I know that many of you are thinking that this is a good problem to have and don't get me wrong...we are VERY proud of him, but along with the good, also comes the bad. The bad is that Hayes REFUSES to wear a diaper and no matter where he is (freezer section at Wal-mart) will take his pants off to get his diaper off, which equals naked toddler in public. Not cool. Anyway, with all of this said, I have to post some pics of our potty trials...

First, I put the diaper on and with one quick motion of the hand, he swoops it off..
Then, he thinks it is hilarious to wear it as a bonnet. Cute because he looks like a pilgrim, not so cute when the diaper is dirty.

One concept of this potty thing that Hayes just can't seem to understand is that boys do not wipe. He is around mommy way too much for this one to sink in just yet.

Next, comes the celebration and boy is there celebration!! The entire family has to do the potty dance again and again and again. Hence, the picture below and I apologize for the blurriness, but my camera isn't great with motion and the potty dance must continue even with camera in hand.

We did get off the potty long enough today to attend an absolutely fabulous playdate with some wonderful friends!! Hayes had a blast with his friends, Pollard and Chappell!!

Besides all the fun, another great thing came out of our playdate today. My friend, Lindsey, told me about a lady who is great with kid's hair and just may be able to tame Hayes' crazy hair. The poor child's hair is out.of.control. Bless him and bless that sweet lady if she can do anything with these curls! Yes, according to my husband, we could cut it short, but honey it just ain't happening. We (and the dozen hairstylists we have already unsuccessfully went through) tried just cutting some off the sides to take out some of the volume and shape it up, but then we just ended up with a mega Billy Ray Cyrus-esque mullet. Not cute, especially on a 2-year-old. Guess I will give the lady Lindsey recommended a call and cross my fingers. I just can't help but think that Hayes will surely hate David and I both (probably around the teenage years) for the curly-headed genes!

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